19 MAY - SUN

Although Sama’ Abdulhadi is the first Palestinian DJ to gain international recognition, her career reallybegan when she hit Beirut’s burgeoning techno scene. Plunging into the nightlife, Abdulhadi giggedand got inspired by the scene’s local and international DJs while refining her trademark set:high-octane full-bodied techno with a distinct spectrum of moods, or as she says: “Berlin techno, but Iperceive it in a Lebanese way.”Beirut was her training and testing ground, but she was on home turf in Ramallah when she playedthe 2018 Boiler Room debut that would make her a household name for international techno heads.Her set clocked over ten million views, an achievement shared by very few DJs, all the moreimpressive for a Palestinian who was virtually unknown at the time.

Now Abdulhadi leverages her status to support the growing number of Palestinian artists in a numberof ways: through her hub, Union—a venue in Ramallah that serves as an incubator for DJs, producersand creatives to meet, collaborate and hone their craft; she also raises funds for a liquiditycrisis-afflicted Lebanon through Bring Back Beirut and has staged events in London, Paris, Berlin andher “second home” in the capital.Abdulhadi stands as one of the world's most exciting DJs (and fearless cultural activists). This yearalone she played Coachella, Glastonbury, Fusion, Circoloco, Lost Village, Primavera and Belfast’sAVA festival, Brazil’s Warung and Serbia’s Exit Festival legendary Dance Arena.Barely four years into her international career, Sama’ Abdulhadi’s is at the forefront of a powerfulmovement. Her goal has always been to put Palestine on the musical map and in doing so shecontinues to garner international solidarity and broaden people’s ideas about Middle Easternexpression.

A documentary film about Abdulhadi’s journey is currently being created by highly-respected MiddleEastern producers & directors and will premiere early 2023. Additionally. She will launch a PhonoxLondon residency in January 2023.